

Lesson 07 - A Dead End

Tobacco and tobacco-related products are harmful to the body in all forms of use. Tobacco products contain the highly addictive chemical, nicotine. Adolescents who understand the negative short-term effects, long-term effects, and social consequences of using tobacco products are more likely to remain tobacco free.

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Lesson 02 - The Decision is Yours

Adolescents equipped with decision-making and problem-solving skills are better able to thoughtfully plan their actions and evaluate the choices they face in life. The ability to consider the positive and negative consequences of decisions mitigates impulsivity, keeping actions consistent with short-term and long-term personal goals.

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Lesson 10 - The Operating System

Adolescents who understand and can manage risk are better able to predict the outcomes of their actions enabling them to make better, more responsible decisions. An effective course review reinforces skills and concepts, providing further opportunities to practice skills and recall information. The recognition of student participation and completion of the program builds self-efficacy.

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